How You Can Save More on Your Next Home or Office Move

Its only natural to want a great deal on anything, we are programmed by the media to love a bargain and to save wherever possible, and here at Master Movers, we keep this in mind, and you have to if you want to be the best Removalist’s on the peninsula! However, we think there are […]
Where Can You Donate Furniture In Melbourne?

Marie Kondo. Most people know her for her famous hit Netflix series “Tidying Up”, we know her very well because we love the act of decluttering! She takes an approach that has been showing very effectual for people and giving clarity to these important things in life! Getting rid of things resembles moving forward and […]
Moving Home During a Global Pandemic – Checklist

Moving home is a chance to turn a new leaf and find a new place to call you a nest. Whether you’re a crazy family of 10 or a lone wolf, there are different stresses in each person pathway that may create some anxiety around moving Time, especially when we have a global pandemic happening! […]
What food to pack, and what to get rid of for your new home!

Now that we have found you your new home, you’re probably very excited to get into the details of what to move on the peninsula and what to get rid of, we recommend starting with the pantry and food storage areas. Once you start this process you might find that you actually are saving a […]
Office Move: why it isn’t as hard as you think

Every year, businesses grow and develop. It’s great and here on the Mornington peninsula, we love to see local businesses growing and finding new avenues to develop their skills and share with the rest of the folk down here. One thing that needs change when scaling your business like this is upsizing your workspace to […]
6 Pre-move Tips to Follow

#1 Let’s declutter Let’s start by getting rid of those things you don’t really need. Minimizing everything that you own even before starting your move is a great way to cut down on not only the packing process but also the Removalist costs, make sure to do this too before you get your quote! This […]
Moving Home Checklist

ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME Moving home is a long and (hopefully) long term solution, we have included some of our top tips for you to take a read through before moving into your new home! There is a tonne of stuff involved, so please allow for around 2 months in advance before actually starting your move, […]